Infrared Sauna with Chromotherapy

30 MINUTES $25  • 60 MINUTES $45
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Our infrared sauna is large enough for up to two users at once. The radiant heat provides a deep tissue warmth that relaxes sore muscles, reduces stiffness, and relieves joint pain.

Chromotherapy is the science of using colors to adjust body vibrations to frequencies that result in health and harmony. Each color possesses frequencies of a specific vibration, and each vibration is related to different physical symptoms.

Chromotherapy works on various energy points to help balance your body via the full spectrum of visible light, each color of which addresses a distinct need.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Lowers blood pressure.

  • Detoxifies and increases blood circulation.

  • Alleviates joint pain, ease pain from sore muscles or aching joints.

  • Besides burning calories, improves skin tone among other benefits.

Aqua Chi Ionic Foot Detox


30 MINUTES $30

FLOW Aquatic Wellness provides an Ion Cleanse foot detoxification bath with massage chair. This relaxing treatment is intended to promote wellness by using painless electrical ionic activity in the warm water to stimulate oxygen circulation and immune response, and remove toxins and contaminants from the body. Many users report decreased pain and fatigue, more mental clarity and better sleep. 

Picture being showered with the freshest, ion-rich, naturally charged water, creating a profound sense of well-being. The ions created during a session are similar to those found in hot springs, waterfalls and other naturally charged water sources known to be beneficial to the body.

Some of the best results reported have been with: detoxification, pain reduction, reduced inflammation and recovery time, improved liver, kidney and colon function, as well as improved sleeping patterns.

Immediately after a session it is typical to feel relaxed and have heightened mental clarity. However, users report that it is the cumulative effect of the sessions which are the most dramatic, providing a greater long-term benefit.